Students can ask questions in their tutorials about sections of the course they understand less, they can then refer to these notes during study sessions to gain a better understanding on any problem areas they have. Whether they are compulsory or an option, these sessions are filled with valuable information and are a chance to test and develop students’ understandings. Sometimes these meetings are a part of the core teaching programme or other times they are an optional addition to the curriculum. Tutorials are classes with an academic member of staff, often in small groups or individually. These types of recorders are better suited to recording sounds from a range of directions, whereas unidirectional recorders are better suited to sounds from only one direction. Students wanting to take voice recorded notes in classes will do best with an omnidirectional recorder. Not only are they a useful device to study from later, if a student knows they’re going to miss a lecture, but they can also easily lend their Dictaphone to one of their classmates and not miss out on the important information during the class. Which is why dictation devices are a popular ‘must-have’ for every student. Taking notes can cause students to miss crucial information. Non-linear note taking such as using a dictaphone and relistening to the lecture later can help students make connections between ideas and strengthen long-term retention of content. Students that record their lectures are at a greater advantage than those who take written notes. Students can engage with the class more and rewrite the lecture in their own words at a later point. When a student doesn’t fully understand a topic, they’ll have the lecturer's explanation on hand.Ī dictation device can enhance the studying experience. Revisit a topic they’re less confident about.Rather than focusing on transcribing everything the lecturer says, they can engage in the class more and take notes from their recording. Note-taking can be difficult and can cause missed information.They may need to listen to a lecture again, slower. Increasingly students are studying abroad, and English may not be their first language.When students zone out during class, they have a recording they can listen to later and not miss the information. Some lectures are very long and can be hard to focus 100% throughout.Recording a lecture allows students to listen back to go over the more intricate sections again. Lectures can be complex and difficult to understand when first hearing them.

How Audio Recorders Enhance the Learning Experience One example being recording classes and listening to the recording back. There are many tips and tricks to make revision and extra studying more beneficial. The average student is recommended to spend 15-20 hours per week revising. Spending this much on education, students want to make sure they get their money’s worth. Audio Recorders at UniversityĪ three-year degree course at university in England costs an average of £22,200 a year. The microphones on devices such as smart phones, tablets and laptops are often poor quality and only aimed at capturing close range noises, failing to compete with a dictation device.
Lecture recorders portable#
These small devices remain popular among a wide range of markets, even though many other portable devices now come with a recording device built-in.

Record anywhere at any time with an Audio Recorder. Choosing the Best Voice Recorder Device for Students